Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Introduction to Biometrics-Wednesday

Discuss one new idea you learned from the Introduction to Biometrics presentation.


Anonymous said...

That biometrics can be use for almost anything.

Brendan kunce

Anonymous said...

I learned that there are at least 5 different ways to identify a person with biometrics:Hand geometry, iris,lips, fingerprinting, and gait.
--David Lindsey

Anonymous said...

it was good I learned a lot

Matthew Cummings

Anonymous said...

I learned that there are to different ways to use Biometrics, Identiflycation, and Veryifaction.


Anonymous said...

I learned that biometrics isn't just fornesics, it also deals with biology.

Torrie Wolfe

Anonymous said...

you can identify people by there ear.


Anonymous said...

I had alot of fun today and I learned alot of new things that I never even thought about.I can't wait until tomorrow to learn more cool new stuff

Jonathan said...

I discovered the uses for many biometric devices, and how they will make life easier for almost everyono...

Anonymous said...

I learned that you can identify someone by the way they walk. (the way someone walks is a biometric thing) Rachel Hewitt

Anonymous said...

that all of the schools will have scaners for school...

Jack Eldred

Anonymous said...

I learned that you can use your finger print to pay for groceries if you register for it.

Jonathan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

subcutaneous vein recongnition. thermal face recongition. -andy dobreff

Anonymous said...

that iriss is a sertan type of identifing some one and to think out side of the box for this type of thing. Micah Allen

Anonymous said...

Until today I did not know how computers analized fingerprints.


Anonymous said...

One thing I leand is there is more to it then you see on T.V.

david corder

Anonymous said...

biometrics is alot more complex than I thought, though I new it wasn't as flashy as in the movies

Anonymous said...

I learned that identification is when one person is to be identifiedfrom many people, and verification is to make sure someone is who they say they are.

Jacob Richards

Anonymous said...

One new idea that I learned about is the iris scanner where it scans your eye or at least the colored part of it.


Anonymous said...

I had alot of fun and learned alot of new things Chelsea Pretzel

Jonathan said...

I was not suprized by the uses for fingerprints..... I knew most of it already...

kousalya said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

Student Project