Thursday, July 26, 2007


Which tour did you like best this morning? (the biometric research lab or the crime scene house) Why?


Anonymous said...

The Crime scene, beacuse i plan on going into that feild once i enter school.

_mia furmanek_

Anonymous said...

the crime scene house because i LEARNED A LOT


Anonymous said...

I liked the Crime Scene House the best. I'm very interested in the Crime Scene things.


Jonathan said...

the biometrics lab, I am facinated with the technology

Anonymous said...

the crime scene definitely because i learned alot more stuff

Anonymous said...

I liked the crime house the best, because we learned about blood splots and how to get fingerprints from a crime scene. the biometrics was pretty cool too, though.
--David Lindsey

Anonymous said...

I liked the biometric research lab because it is an interesting field and I learned that I can buy an iris camera for my room.

Brendan Kunce

Anonymous said...

biometric research lab of course. I don't want to go into forensics so the crime house wasn't that great for me, but the lab was amazing. I loved it. I want to get into a company that has at least a bit of that for animation, it'd be soooo mmuch fun

Anonymous said...

the crime scene house because there was dead people and blood splats and it was cool.-andy dobreff

Anonymous said...

the crime scene House b/c it was fun and exciting and it was hands on type of thing and I thought it was very incheresting

Micah Allen

Anonymous said...

I cannot decide whitch one to choose to be titled as the best. I really liked them both, but I've been to the crime house too many times. The biometrics lab is going to cost me a lot of money.(I want an iris scanner)
- Rachel Hewitt

Anonymous said...

biometric lab because it was funner and more hands on expierience

ryan ayers

Anonymous said...

the crime scene house i would love to do that...


Anonymous said...

i liked the crime scene houses the blood splatters were kindof wierd but i liked the fingerprinting alot to
Chelsea Pretzel

Anonymous said...

I liked crime houes the bust becaues it was more hands on.

david corder

Anonymous said...

The crime scene house because iwant to work in the feild if i get this kind of job

Anonymous said...

I honestly enjoyed the crime scene house tour better because to me it was more fun with more interesting things to do.

Jacob Richards

Anonymous said...

I liked them both equally, they were both great.
